Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This Blog is dedicated to Hempfield High School Track & Field.
Here goes..............

1 comment:

  1. Coach Albright! How are you doing? I got the link and I am trying it out! It is cold in Wisconsin today- yesterday UW-Whitewater hosted our annual Learn-by-Doing clinic. We had over 40 athletes show up and work on improving their technique and confidence. They were undaunted by the 5-7 inches of snow that we got through-out the morning! I am glad that it happened since I was 'sitting' on $800 woth of dri-fit shirts!
    Next weekend is our WIAC Indoor Championship! We are doing well- we have over 50 women on the team AND competing and this is BY FAR is the best team that I have had since coming here in 2005-2006. I would love to say that we are going to win the conference championship- but that would be very untrue. You can check out the conference honor roll at http://www.pttiming.com/ and clicking on the honor roll! Make sure you have you BIG GOLD book for conversions...
    I would love to make it back for the reunion. I have to run it by the boss, first! We have some vacation plans- but none of them are returning to PA!
    This is a great idea and I hope more alumni stop by and post a comment. I am very busy right now with teaching 4 classes and coaching-PLUS my family- wife and 3 daughters, a mortgage and other adult responsibilities but there are DOWN times in the life of a college track and field coach...
    I do refer to my experiences as an athlete at Hempfield in my coaching classes. I also tell them that they can call me Mr., Coach or just plain Wied. (weed)- since Wiederrecht is a mouthful. Then I tell them that Wied. is from Hempfield- they find that hard to believe (home of the BLACK KNIGHTS). The story that I do relay to them is the time when we were returning from a cool down- I think we had completed ISLANDS since our 'all-weather' track was under the weather, and there was a young lady who I did not have a high opinion of- and I let it be known (I was young and foolish- maybe that is why God blessed me with 3 daughters). I was standing in the lobby of the Buchanan Gym and you came up to me and booted me in the rear-end. I was shocked at first- and then you said you expected that from J.W. (name withheld for privacy) and not from me! You were absolutely correct. I needed a few more of those. Now don't panic- I tell my coaches TO BE to NEVER kick or hit their athletes- regradless of HOW MUCH they deserve it. It was a different time. If I would have told my mom- she would have hit me harder for speaking like that!
    Well- I need to go fold some laundry! I will return to see if anyone else is still out there!

    In track,
    Dave Wiederrecht- Class of '87
    Head Women's track and field coach at the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater- uww.edu
